The amusement revolves around a undercover agent sent to penetrate a quarantine zone for a narrative city. It offers An zombie-infested, open-world city with a dynamic day Furthermore night cycle.The dying light world itself is very huge and looks beautiful.
RATING: 9/10
I myself having played the game really enjoyed it to the core. The game is mostly hand-to-hand combat with the zombies as you survive but you can also craft your own weapons using the items you collect. A similar mechanism which was also used in the major hit “ The Last Of Us”.
The game features a SCARY day and night cycle. The scary part usually begins at the night. During the day time you have to set up traps and build yourself some safe zones which you can use in the night. Safe zones are your save game areas and also will not allow any zombies to enter in it.
The zombies in the game aren’t actually very difficult to counter ad you can just run past them or avoid them by staying on the rooftops. But they do become dangerous when they come at you in numbers. You can however use the traps that you set up to distract them and make your escape easy if you are surrounded.
The game also uses a stamina system. Your running and parkour abilities depend on the amount of stamina you have left. Even when you attack a zombie using hand to hand combat your stamina gets affected. The stamina is however regained if you stay stationary at one place for about 9-10 seconds.
Next comes the multiplayer. The online multiplayer features upto 4 players in the co-op mode. I can assure you that Dying Light multiplayer is as fun as the single player campaign. The most fun part about this is that players can also play as zombies with more friends joining them online.
Dying Light is a fun game for the next gen consoles. Even though the plot might not be so breathtaking but the environment and the side-quests will surely blow your mind. Aaaand not to forget the zombies