How To Setup GoDaddy Domain On Blogger | Blogger Domain Setup

By Yogesh - 1:09 PM

Easy way to add domains to your blogger and configure it on GoDaddy. A very Simple guide with step by step screen shot.

Once your blog is up and running it is better to register a domain. Google crawlers find blogs with domain a more safer and reliable asset as a result a blog with a domain gets more preference on Google search.

GoDaddy is one the most common domain and hosting sites. if you bought your domain form there then here's how you add that domain to your blog.

These are the steps to setting up the domain from GoDaddy on Blogger:

STEP 1: Open the Blogger Dashboard, select the blog.
Domain Setup
Blog Selection

STEP 2: On your blog Dashboard click on "Settings" then on "Basic".

STEP 3: Select 3rd party URL

Domain Setup
Domain Setup

STEP 4: Enter the Domain Name into the dialogue box given. Make sure that enter "www." before your Domain Name example:
Then click on save.

Domain Setup
Domain Setup

STEP 6: The following window will open. Copy the high lighted lines and enter them into the CNAMEs menu line by line in GoDaddy DNS Setup.

Domain Setup
Domain Setup

Domain Setups
GODADDY Domain Setup

STEP 7: You will be able to see the following after you finish.
Click on edit.

Domain Setups
Domain Setup

STEP 8: Tick the box and Click Save.

Domain Setups
Domain Setup

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