Most important keyboard shortcuts that can be used in day to day life, which will save your time. Many people of the world do not use these keyboard shortcuts.
CTRL+F for find
All of us at a point of time get lost in a article on word ,browsers even PDF, well this shortcut can help you find your way back.By pressing Ctrl+F a small dialogue box will open at the corner of the screen(browser) or a dialogue box will open in the center of the screen (MS office products).All you have to do is type the keyword in the Dilogue box and hit enter.The keyword will be highlighted throughout the full browser page, article, document or PDF.
Image to
For Example:
By pressing Ctrl+F
This one is for all you multitaskers. this shortcut allows you to switch and cycle between multiple windows quickly.
Ctrl+Tab & Ctrl+Shift+Tab(Browser shortcut)
This one can be used only in browsers. This shortcut helps you cycle and switch between multiple tabs on the same browser window. Ctrl+Tab moves you to the next tab on your right where as Ctrl+Shift+Tab moves you to the consecutive tab on your left.
Ctrl+W(Browser Shortcut)
This shortcut is used to close only the current or working Tab.
Ctrl+T(Browser Shortcut)
This shortcut is used to open a new tab on the same browser window.
Ctrl+L(Browser Shortcut)
This shortcut is used focus on the address bar (URL of the website) of the tab.

This is a sneaky one, it is used to show the desktop. Pressing it again will go back to the same window.
The deadly one, this shortcut can close any window and shutdown the computer when used on the desktop.
Ctrl+H(Common shortcut)
Commonly Known as find and Replace shortcut is a simple way to remove or edit words(text) in any MS-Office product. when you press ctrl+h a dialog box will appear in which you will have to enter the word to be found and the word it should be replaced with. You will have four options find next,replace,replace all,cancel.The first optional will help you find the word one by one and second option "replace" helps you replace the found words one by one. the "replace all" option will replace the found word all over the document. The last option "cancel" is to close the dialog boxox
Ctrl+C (Common shortcut)
This is shortcuts to copy the highlighted text and images
Ctrl+V (Common shortcut)
This is shortcut used to paste copied text or images
Ctrl+X (Common shortcut)
This is shortcut used to Cut the highlight text and images
Ctrl+left Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis short is used to move the cursor from one word to another towards the left in a document
Ctrl+Right Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis shortcut is used to move the crcursororm one word to another towards the Right in a document
Shift+Ctrl+Left Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis shortcut used to move the cursor and highlight form one word to another towards the left in a document
Shift+Ctrl+Right Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis shortcut is used to move the cursor and highlight form one word to another towards the right in a document.
Ctrl+Up Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis shortcut used to move the cursor to the above line in a document
Ctrl+Down Arrow
THis shortcuts used to move the cursor to the below line in a document
Shift+Ctrl+Up Arrow (Common shortcut)
This shortcut is used to move the cursor and highlight the above paragraph in a document
Shift+Ctrl+Down Arrow (Common shortcut)
THis shortcut is used to move the cursor and highlight the Below paragraph in a document